Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping


El Poblet: the roots of Sagrada Família neighbourhood
El Poblet: the roots of Sagrada Família neighbourhood

When the temple of Sagrada Família began to be built, the area surrounding the church was mostly orchards and fields. Also there was a small settlement that the villagers called "El Poblet", a neighbourhood that had arisen during the second half of century XIX.

A place full of factories, hospitals, and workers
A place full of factories, hospitals, and workers

In 1883, when the construction of the Sagrada Família temple began, there were only fields and a small neighbourhood called "El Poblet", but in 1925 that area of ​​Barcelona was another story: a neighbourhood full of factories, workers and hospitals.

The neighbourhood, today
The neighbourhood, today

Nowadays, in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood live about 52,000 people within a​​ 1.1 square kilometre area. This means that we are facing one of the highest population densities of Barcelona, and at the same time one of the most populated cities in Europe.

Antoni Gaudí
Antoni Gaudí

The modernist spirit of Gaudí is still very present in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood, turning the avenue with his same name into an eternal tribute to this brilliant architect.

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