Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

The neighbourhood, today

The neighbourhood, today
Nowadays, in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood live about 52,000 people within a​​ 1.1 square kilometre area. This means that we are facing one of the highest population densities of Barcelona, and at the same time one of the most populated cities in Europe.

If we add the 8.5 million tourists that visit the city each year, we find that, paradoxically, what was one of the most extensive neighbourhoods at the beginning of the 20th century has become one of the most inhabited places from Barcelona.

In recent years, the neighbourhood has become a point of interest for a new immigration. In this way, a quarter of the inhabitants of Sagrada Família were born abroad. This great variety of origins and backgrounds is another of the legacies of a very complex and accelerated history.

As indicated in its strategic plan, the neighbourhood enjoys a good retail supply, especially around Avinguda de Gaudí but, like in other places of Barcelona, ​​many of the shops and stores have been shut down because of the opening of big shopping malls and international stores, and also the lack of a generational shift.

In the neighbourhood especially stands out the restaurant business with 320 establishments, which is a total of 15% of the shops. Moreover, it is important to point out the number of bazaars and souvenir shops, due to its importance as a tourist destination.

And this is how, in the twentieth century around the temple of the Sagrada Família, a neighbourhood was built and has become one of the most densely populated and lively places of Barcelona.

Our members

Big Bowl Restaurant
La Dispensa
Arrosseria Gaudí
Bro Room
Capitan K10