Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

This is the WINNER TAPA of the Ruta de Tapas Sagrada Familia! Do you know where you can find it?

November 4th. 2019

Last Wednesday 30th of October, was the delivery of the BEST TAPA AWARD - 7th. Sagrada Familia Tapas Route Edition!!
The TAPA REINA was the 'Eggplant bed battered with Gaudí sauce, confit Iberian secret, cantaloupe pepper and caramelized onion', by Sergi Martínez of La Bodega del Poblet.
Congratulations!! And the winner of the €100 CHECK to spend in establishments of the Gaudí Shopping Association was to Ramón Escofet! Congratulations too!
We hope to see you at the next Ruta de Tapas of Sagrada Familia!
#rutadelatapa #tapitast #tapessagradafamily #gaudishopping #sagradafamily #rutadetapes @tapitast

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Big Bowl Restaurant
The Tea World
Pedacitos De Ti
Restaurant Peruà Andino
B de Barcelona
La Dispensa
Droguería y Perfumería Entorn