Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

The € 1,179.29 collected during the solidarity campaign by the merchants of Gaudi Shopping have already been delivered to the Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau!

February 20th. 2020

From the Association @gaudi_shopping we have made a donation to the #Recerca #SantPau Institute of € 1,179.29; money collected during the solidarity campaign organized around the World Day of #breast cancer last year, by merchants attached to this association.

The money will go to a research project led by Dr. Cristina Arqueros, of the Clinical Research Group in #Oncology of the Research Institute of Sant Pau, led by Dr. Agustín Barnadas, director of the Oncology Service of Sant Pau..

In the first photo, from left to right: Agustín Barnadas, Clinical Oncology Research Group coordinator of the Sant Pau Research Institute and director of the Sant Pau Oncology Service. Marta Pujol, member of the Oncology volunteer group "Activity Girls". Loreto Almirall, president of the Gaudí Shopping Association. Jordi Surrallés, director of the Research Institute of Sant Pau. Magda Ciendones, case manager of breast cancer in Sant Pau. Cristina Arqueros, researcher at the Oncology Clinical Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute.

#gaudishopping #oncologiasantpau #cancer #hospitalsantpau

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