Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

Gardens of Beatriu de Provença

Gardens of Beatriu de Provença

Napoles, 244i
08013 Barcelona

Part of the Myrurgia old perfume factory. The Myrurgia old perfume factory took up the streets of Provença, Nàpols and Mallorca. Currently, part of this factory has become the Beatriu de Provence gardens, a block interior courtyard with access to Nàpols street.

The Myrurgia old perfume factory took up the streets of Provença, Nàpols and Mallorca. Currently, part of this factory has become the Beatriu de Provence gardens, a block interior courtyard with access to Nàpols street.

Our members

Cainfor Projectes informátics
Pans & Company Gaudí
Joieria Rellotgeria Sant Pau
Perfumería Guillén
Òptica Sant Pau
El Señorio del Perú
Mozart Gaudí Cafetería