We already have a winner of the Gaudí Shopping Solidarity Three Kings Lot!
January 16th. 2020
Yesterday the award ceremony took place. The establishment associated with Gaudí Shooping that distributed the luck was Opticat SunglassesWorld 👏👏👏 and the lucky one is Enric López. Congratulations!!
The products of the solidarity lot belong to neighborhood stores and are valued at more than € 1000! This solidarity initiative raises funds to help the Kàlida Foundation, which accompanies and gives practical, emotional and social support to women with Cancer.
#lotsolidari #gaudishopping #opticat #fembarri #fundaciokalida Fundació Kālida

Av. Gaudí, 6
08025 Barcelona
Tel. 934552426gaudi@opti.catVisit website
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