Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

QUIROPRÁCTICA GANDI | A Center Intended for Your Health

October 22nd. 2018

The French writer Bernard le Bouvier de Fontenelle said that “health is the unit that gives value to all zeros in life”. And just to give value to health, the chiropractic center Gandi was born, located in the establishments associated with Gaudí Shopping.

Pietro Gandi, director of the center and chiropractor, was educated in this discipline as a Doctor with honors at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC). Also, he is a member of the Spanish Chiropractic Association (AEQ in Spanish) and supervisor of the students of the Chiropractic University of Barcelona in the volunteer program for the day centers. 

His restless attitude and his effort to acquire new knowledge are notable. His aim is “to help in a natural way all those who want to improve their health and wellbeing to reach a better quality of life”. This drove him to specialize in different chiropractic techniques, such as Applied Kinesiology (AK), Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), Total Body Modification (TBM) and Bio-Geometric Integration (BG). This new knowledge allowed him to help people to improve all aspects of their health, from the structural part (position, muscles, nerves and articulations) to the mental/emotional part (stress, negative emotions, destructive attitude, among others) and chemical part (metabolic and hormonal functions, digestion, functioning of organs, breathing and toxin discharge). 

Pietro explains that the chiropractic discipline has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) not only as a health profession but as a perfect option for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system (joint problems, muscles, nerves and position).


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