Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

From October 14th to 20th, solidarity and collaborate with the search for BREAST CANCER

October 15th. 2019

From October 14th to 20th, solidarity and collaborate with the search for BREAST CANCER 

As you know, October 19th is the Day Against Breast Cancer. For this reason, Gaudí Shopping joins the Spanish Association Against Breast Cancer and at the Hospital Sant Pau, to face this disease by sensitizing people and raising funds for their research.

We invite you all to participate, from October 14th to October 20th in this campaign, in order to support the affected women and stop this disease in the near future.

To help, you can make a donation to the different establishments in the neighbourhood that participate in the campaign where you will see that they have the pink sign and the balloons hanging in their shop window. They will give you a pink button in gratitude and collaboration and some cards with phrases and comments from women who have suffered or are suffering from this disease.

You can also collaborate by buying an original oil from the collection ‘The Sunset’, by the artist Amada Suero.

Amanda Suero, is an artist who lives in the Sagrada Familia neighbourhood, who had been diagnosed with a breast tumour years ago, which was finally benign. During the time that passed from the surgical intervention to receiving the result, she says she was going to the beach to watch the sunset to relax. Impacted by her experience, and how her sexuality could be affected, she decided to create a collection of oils dedicated to the breast and female sexuality, which she baptized with the name of "The Sunset".

This artist will exhibit 80 oils from her collection in neighbourhood stores. Each of them has a price of 29 euros, of which 40% will be given to the Spanish Association Against Breast Cancer.

Make your solidarity known to social networks!

At the different establishments you will find the pink balloons with which to take the photos that you can then upload to the networks with the hashtags #AmbTuDonemLaCara #SumatAlRosa #ContigoDamosLaCara # SúmateAlRosa #EntreNosaltres @enosaltres

Or, if you prefer, from anywhere you can collaborate with the campaign by writing a message in your hand and sharing it on the networks!

And that's not all!

In addition, the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, organizes a day open to citizens on October 17th. The day will consist of talks, colloquiums, workshops and activities, focused on informing, guiding, encouraging and gathering all those who live with this disease, or simply, feel linked to the cause.

Come and join, they will give you a gift for your support!

Our members

Joieria Rellotgeria Sant Pau
Aquí Tu Reforma - Sagrada Familia
Sport Dir
Floristeria Soriano
La Jijonenca
Droguería y Perfumería Entorn