Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

3rd Participatory Workshop on Quality of Life and Breast Cancer. Between us, on Saturday May 4, 2019, at the Modernist enclosure of Sant Pau

April 27th. 2019

The Hospital of Sant Pau, the Biomedical Research Institute of Sant Pau and the Hospital del Mar, organized the 3rd Participatory Conference on Quality of Life and Breast Cancer, Among Us, on Saturday May 4, 2019 , in the Modernist enclosure of Sant Pau. The objective is to promote all those activities that can return the quality of life to patients who have suffered this disease and raise funds destined, entirety, to develop the second part of a study started in 2015 at the Research Institute of Sant Pau, which analyzes the socioeconomic impact of breast cancer in our patients in order to improve their daily well-being.

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La Jijonenca
Finques Lisa
La iaia'nita